Tuesday 5 March 2013

Romanticism inspirations

Romanticism inspirations

As the many socio-political revolutions of the late eighteenth century established new social orders and new ways of life and thought, so composers of the period broke musical ground by adding a new emotional depth to the prevailing classical forms.

The earliest Romantic composers were all born within a few years of each other in the early years of the nineteenth century. During the nineteenth century, composers from non-Germanic countries began looking for ways to express the musical soul of their homelands. For inspiration, many Romantic composers turned to the visual arts, poetry, drama, literature, and to nature itself.  Using the classical forms of sonata and symphony as a starting point, composers began focusing more on new melodic styles, richer harmonies, and ever more dissonance, in the pursuit of moving their audiences, rather than concerning themselves with the structural discipline of Classical forms. 

 Later composers of the nineteenth century would further build on the forms and ideas developed by the Romantic composers.

Some dresses were inspired from the Romanticism, they were really huge and detailed.


History Of Fashion - Romantic. 2013. History Of Fashion - Romantic. [ONLINE] Available at: http://fashionhistory.zeesonlinespace.net/romantic.html. [Accessed 05 March 2013].

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