Tuesday 21 May 2013

Egyptian Art part2

Egyptian Art part2
The Egyptians painted on flat surfaces. Several ancient Egypt paintings survived due to Egypt's dry climate. The paintings were intended to be used for the deceased people. Some of the earliest tombs had small models of the slaves, animals, buildings and objects.  

 Murals were quite famous for decorating the buildings of ancient Egypt. Large paintings were done by a team work, each person specializing on one aspect. Pharaohs, gods, and goddesses were the main subjects of the works of art of the Egyptians. They were considered as divine.Vertical and horizontal reference lines were also use by the Ancient Egyptian artists to maintain the correct proportions in their work.  

Ancient Egypt: Art. 2013. Ancient Egypt: Art. [ONLINE] Available at: http://oi.uchicago.edu/OI/MUS/ED/TRC/EGYPT/art.html. [Accessed 20 May 2013].

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