Tuesday 9 April 2013

Japonisme inspirations

 Japonisme inspirations

The word,''Japanesque,'' means the influence of japanese prints. There was an influence on Western art of some countries. There are some stories about Van Gogh and Gaugin that say that they were picking through discarded paper of crushed 19th Century woodblock prints. From that story, they had new inspirations and they looked at things differently.

 The Japanesque had an effect especially during the Impressionist era where the French Impressionists were influenced. The influence of today's Western artists remains strong. Max Palevsky was a devoted collector, he was also an innovator and forerunner in computers and technology. He collected japanese prints for over 30 years. The first one was from Yoshitoshi’s series One Hundred Aspects of the Moon. 

Art Inspiration from Japan | Arts & Collections International. 2013. Art Inspiration from Japan | Arts & Collections International. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.artsandcollections.com/index.php?/article/art_inspiration_from_japan_220/. [Accessed 09 April 2013].

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