Tuesday 9 April 2013

Victorian Art

Victorian Art

The Victorian era was during 1837-1091. The second half of the nineteenth century was one of the most fascinating periods of our history. During that time, many technological changes happened. The vibrant colours represented the high society of the picture of England.

This Victorian Era began with a return of the classic realism which was popular in ancient Roman and Greek societies. The technology caused changes in the way scientists, artists and the public viewed art. Art styles varied during this period because of the huge advances that were made in the photographic technology.

In this era, many paintings were of the countryside of England. These paintings depicted their work and gave brilliant colour representations.

The Queen Victoria reigned between 1837-1901. This time was perceived as a golden age in the arts. She was born in Kensington Palace in London on 24th May 1819. She was really good at drawing and painting.
She became Queen at the age of 18.

. 2013. . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.avictorian.com/victorianart.html. [Accessed 08 April 2013].
Lecture's notes

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